G W R Passenger Stock & Fruit D by F. W Chubb
First article is from the Model Railway Constructor magazine of Aug. 1944.
The 56 ft Clerestory Coach PDF
Next article from MRC May 1948.
Fruit D to Dia. Y3 of 1911 PDF
Last one from MRC January 1950
Post-War Coach the 64 ft 8 Compartment corridor 3rd PDF
There was a further article in the March issue of the 9 ft Coach Bogie
This states as fitted to the 64 ft Coach in the January issue PDF
G W R Passenger Stock by the MRC Editor Ernest F Carter
In the early years of the MRC there were drawings & photos of rolling stock not attributed to any particular Author. The next two are of this type.
May 1936 on Page 118 the outline drawing of a Third class coach PDF
Same date but on page 135 a Photo of the coach PDF
G W R Siphon H van by Eric D Bruton
This was also from the MRC magazine in a supplement in that issue of June 1951
The Siphon H's van running No. was 'W 1306' PDF